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Board of Directors

The board manages the business and affairs of the Corporation.

The board consist of a maximum of five (5) directors, holding term no greater than three (3) years.

The board members are appointed by the Corporation Shareholder, C/TFN.

D Cresswell

Danny Cresswell
Director, Chair
Ishkahíttaan Clan

Danny brings his strong leadership experience, that includes C/TFN Khà Shâde Héni from 2012 to 2016 and Board Member for the Corporation since 2016.

Danny is a Field Operations Manager for C/TFN.

R Hawryluk

Roberta Hawryluk
Ishkahíttaan Clan

Born an raised in the Whitehorse, Carcross area for the first 15 years, and moved to Northern Alberta where

I married and settled and have 5 children (2 daughters and 3 sons), and 4 granddaughters.

I’m from the Ishkahittaan Clan, and

my Indian name is Dage.

My roots have always been in the Carcross area, and I travel there at least a couple times are year to visit family and friends.

I love to golf, and watch my kids and grandkids play hockey, and other sports like volleyball, and baseball.

F Gatensby

I am a Carcross/Tagish First Nation citizen, Kookhitaan clan, and was appointed to the board of directors in March 2020.

Beginning in 1969 I worked in the mining industry for 21 years in varied positions in Yukon and BC. After a downturn in the mining industry, I attended Yukon College and completed several courses for credit in the business administration program. I worked for the Federal Government in Whitehorse for the next 21 years until my retirement.

During my time working for the government, I worked in financial administration, human resources and informatics.

Francis Gatensby
Kookhíttaan Clan

T Jim

Ted Jim
Dak`laweidí Clan

Ted's experience as C/TFN Infrastructure Director and Yukon Housing Corporation Technical Officer/Inspector provide the Board with valuable field knowledge.

Totem Pole

Youth Director

A Youth Director position is available.


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